Russia's invasion of Ukraine in February 2022 put Europe’s overdependence on a single gas supplier on the spot. A potential threat…
Today’s economy is highly extractive, primarily by exploiting resources from the earth without replenishing or recycling them.…
Climate change and biodiversity loss are interconnected crises, exacerbating public health challenges and affecting poverty,…
EASAC has launched a special website, highlighting its science-for-policy initiatives and publications, with the main purpose of…

Science Advice for the Benefit of Europe

EASAC is the voice of independent science advice, mobilising Europe’s leading scientists to guide EU policy for the benefit of society. It brings together the National Academies of Science of the EU Member States, Norway, Switzerland and UK and the Academia Europaea.

Learn more about EASAC’s latest science-for-policy work here: https://science-advice-europe.eu/